4 Week Workout Routine


So I’ve been working on this project for a bit and I have finally finished the first portion!  It’s ready to be sent out as soon as you are ready to commit to it! =)  Here’s a snapshot of what it includes!

The worst is getting to the gym and doing that same ol routine over and over again!  Not only are you BORED w your workout but your muscles need that constant change to keep growing and see results.  My 4 wk  workout routine comes with a 5 day workout Split, covering all body parts.   So in essence you are getting 20 different workout routines!  I am also including a 4wk Cardio routine that has a different routine every week.  And I will throw in there a recommend macros breakdown for your body type as well as a sample meal plan and How to’s for clean eating.

With this routine and a clean diet, you will see an increase in muscle definition and a loss in fat!  The cardio sets your metabolism on fire to keep you burning calories throughout the day.  And the constant change in pace gets that fat BURNING!!!

If you’re stuck in a rut, this is the perfect routine to get your results fast!!!  This is part one of four that I will be putting out!  So stay posted because I will be offering more variations!

I am selling the 4wk plan for $75.  Just think, you go to the gym to work with a trainer and get ONE workout session for $100!!!!  Here you are getting 20 workouts all on paper to keep for future use!!  If you are interested, click on the link below to send in your payment thru paypal.  As soon as I receive the payment I will send over all the info!!!

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